We bring together women across the world for off-the-record conversations with female changemakers–women who have inspired us through their achievements.


It’s irritating that in 2023, we still refer to women who hold positions of power as “female leaders” — aren’t they just leaders? 

Unfortunately, no. Women in almost every industry hold fewer positions of power. And you know what we’re going to say next: for women of color — it’s even less. (More on this here).

So what are we going to do about it? That’s what Changemaker Chats founders asked themselves nearly ten years ago. Our answer: talk to female leaders who have made it through. Study them, learn from them, share their knowledge and power. And connect the women who join us to learn from these leaders so that they, too, can be supported; so that they, too, learn the tricks, the hacks, the tips and the tools that helped these women ascent and create positive change in companies, communities, at home. 

Our mission is to tell the stories of Changemakers because the stories stick with us and move us to action. And it’s the connections that provide the rocket fuel for action.

You could say we’re another “women’s group”. You could say we’re a boys’ club for girls.

We’re okay with that because we need AS MANY GIRLS’ CLUBS AS POSSIBLE to move from 132 years until gender equity to 0 years until gender equity. 

We’re urgently sharing the stories of Changemakers because we don’t have time to wait.

And that’s our story.

“I’ve attended events in both San Francisco and NYC. Every time I walk out the door at the end of the night I feel as if the breeze greets me with a ‘Oh hey girl heyyy, you got this.’ Whether it’s a message from the speakers, workshop leaders or chat with a fellow changemaker, I have an expanded perspective post-chat and feel energized to chip away at my road ahead.“

“Changemaker Chats has inspired me to think about and discuss issues with friends in a refreshing way, to bring the intellectual curiosity and excitement of novel experiences as a lens for my professional life.”

“Meeting empowering women from all walks of life and hearing their stories gives me a push in my own life to continue life’s hustle and passionately own every minute of every day. After every chat, I get ignited with a new spark of inspiration to get out of a stagnant routine and not settle for comfort.”